Forget the Broccoli. This is a Cheese Sauce Moment!
Many of us are still operating on some combination of triage and panic.
None of us, or at least very few of us, are in a mental-emotional position to operate business as usual. Yet so many of us are still expecting it of ourselves, and we may even expect more from those around us.
Sometimes our expectations come from external places: seeing how others on social media are doing quarantine, or cooking, or art-ing, or homeschooling, or… (fill in the blank). Other times it comes from our internal drive or criticism to push ourselves to be better, even during strange and uncertain times.
But here’s the thing: while we may not be the kind of animal that hibernates, we do go through cycles of energy and phases in life. There’s a time and a place for efficiency and high paced doing, and there’s a time and a place for binge watching Netflix and enjoying a meal drizzled in cheese sauce.
In case you’re wondering: this is a cheese sauce moment.
Some of us, I’d even wager many of us, are feeling a bit claustrophobic with what we can and cannot do. It can feel like we have all this pent up energy and nowhere to expel it. There is so much to do, and yet so little we are allowed to do. Or, there’s so much we feel like we should be doing, but little to no motivation or energy to do any of it.
Instead we scroll through social media, watch tutorials and how-to’s, curse and blame ______ and/or ______, and then binge watch Netflix, only to feel guilty after enjoying 2–3 hours of our current favorite show.
Well, I’m here to tell you that if you are finding it difficult to motivate yourself to “get things done,” or “take advantage of this extra time at home,” you’re normal! You’re okay, and you will be okay. This is a cheese sauce moment!
It’s okay to simply do what you can to stay afloat — mentally, emotionally, physically — and trust that this cheese sauce moment, like all cheese sauce moments, is temporary.
Originally published at on April 30, 2020.